5. Međunarodni kongres HISPA & ISVH
Organizatoriovog prestižnog događaja su:
Udruženje centara za hipertenziju, prevenciju infarkta i šloga HISPA
i Svetsko udruženje za vaskularno zdravlje ISVH.
Beograd, Sava centar 28. februar - 1. mart 2025. godine
Na kongresu će se okupiti vrhunski stručnjaci iz oblasti kardiovaskularnih bolesti, endokrinologije, neurologije, nefrologije, farmakologije, gerontologije, i primarne zdravstvene zaštite. Pozvani predavači će podeliti svoja iskustva i najnovija saznanja u cilju unapređenja prevencije, prakse i zdravlja. Očekujemo učešće preko 1000 stručnjaka iz Evrope i sveta, što ovaj kongres čini jedinstvenom prilikom za profesionalno umrežavanje i usavršavanje.
Posebno nam je drago da najavimo da će se HISPA ove godine po prvi put posvetiti i korporacijama i korporativnim partnerima koji u svojim timovima i kompanijama osećaju potrebu za uvođenjem preventivnih mera radi očuvanja kardiološkog i opšteg zdravlja zaposlenih. Ova inicijativa ima za cilj da podrži korporacije u stvaranju zdravijeg radnog okruženja, kroz edukaciju i konkretne preventivne strategije koje mogu doprineti smanjenju kardiovaskularnog rizika i unapređenju kvaliteta života zaposlenih.
Glavne teme kongresa obuhvatiće:
1. Sveobuhvatna strategija kardiovaskularne prevencije – HISPA model u Svetskim okvirima
2. Povišen krvni pritisak vs.hipertenzija – koja je granica za zaštitu krvnih sudova?
3. Kako sniziti povišene masnoće u krvi – borba bez kompromisa!
4. Stres i korporativni menadžment – lice i naličje prevencije!
5. Veštačka inteligencija u službi prevencije – “budućnost je sada”!
6. Pušenje ili zdravlje? – staro pitanje u novim okolnostima!
7. Ishrana i fizička aktinost – dvojac sa kormilarom
8. “Sleep apnea” – vasa potreba da zaštitite san!
9. Dijabetes mellitus – važna kockica u uspešnom mozaiku kardiovaskularne prevencije
Pozivamo Vas da budete deo ovog važnog događaja koji pruža uvid u najnovije preventivne strategije, inovacije i praksu u oblasti kardiovaskularne medicine.
Drage kolege,
U ime Organizacionog komiteta, imam neizmerno zadovoljstvo da Vam po peti put poželim dobrodošlicu na zajednički kongres Udruženja Centara za Hipertenziju, Prevenciju Infarkta i Šloga – HISPA, Međunarodnog Udruženja za Vaskularno Zdravlje-ISVH u Beogradu koji se održava u Sava Centru od 28 Februara do 1. Marta 2025 godine u Beogradu.
Kroz svoj višegodišnji rad članovi i prijatelji HISPA udruženja su bili svedoci da su temeljni postulati multidisciplinarne i presonalizovane kardiovaskularne revencije HISPA programa postajali sastavni deo Evropskih i Svetskih preporuka za prevenciju.
Koncept kardiovaskularnog skrininga zdrave populacije za koje se HISPA zalagala poslednjih 12 godina danas je sastavni deo nacionalnih programa očuvanja zdravlja većine zemalja. Sniženje kardiovaskularnog rizika kroz program aktivne redukcije najvažnijih faktora rizika bio je i ostao zvezda vodilja savremene kardiovaskularne prevencije.
HISPA svake godine raste, danas ima preko 120 centara, preko 4000 članova i veliki broj zadovoljnih pacijenata.
Svetsko Udruženje za vaskularno zdravlje i starenje, ISVH je jedno od najznačajnijih udruženja za brigu o vaskularnom zdravlju i starenju prisutna na 5 kontinenata sa velikim brojem međunarodnih eksperata iz ove oblasti.
Ove godine, savremenim naučnim programom će biti obuhvaćeni svi aspekti prevencije i njihova primena kod individualnih pacijenata ali i posebnih društvenih grupa, korporacija i novih tehnologija.
Kroz sesije, simpozijume, radionice, posebne forme diskusije, kurseve i škole daćemo aktivan doprinos kreiranju nasušne potrebe našeg društva: sveobuhvatne strategije očuvanja zdravlja.
Zdravlje nema alternativu kao što i život nema reprizu!
Posebno zahvaljujemo sponzorima kongresa na iskrenoj podršci u organizaciji i pripremi kongresa.
Dobrodošli u Srbiju, dobrodošli u Beograd, dobrodošli u HISPA porodicu!
Sa poštovanjem,
Prof. dr Nebojša Tasić
Predsednik Organizacionog komiteta
Predsednik HISPA-e

5th International Congress of HISPA & ISVH
The organizers of this prestigious event are:
Association of Centers for Hypertension, Heart Attack Prevention and Stroke HISPA
and World Association for Vascular Health ISVH.
Belgrade, Sava Center, February 28 - March 1, 2025
The congress will gather top experts in the fields of cardiovascular diseases, endocrinology, neurology, nephrology, pharmacology, gerontology, and primary health care. Invited lecturers will share their experiences and latest knowledge in order to improve prevention, practice and health. We expect the participation of over 1000 experts from Europe and the world, which makes this congress a unique opportunity for professional networking and training.
We are particularly pleased to announce that this year, for the first time, HISPA will be dedicated to corporations and corporate partners who feel the need to introduce preventive measures in their teams and companies in order to preserve the cardiac and general health of employees. This initiative aims to support corporations in creating a healthier work environment, through education and specific preventive strategies that can contribute to reducing cardiovascular risk and improving the quality of life of employees.
The main topics of the congress will include:
1. Comprehensive cardiovascular prevention strategy - HISPA model in the world framework
2. High blood pressure vs. hypertension - what is the limit for the protection of blood vessels?
3. How to lower elevated blood fats - a fight without compromise!
4. Stress and corporate management - face and face of prevention!
5. Artificial intelligence in the service of prevention - "the future is now"!
6. Smoking or health? – an old question in new circumstances!
7. Nutrition and physical activity - a duo with a helmsman
8. "Sleep apnea" - your need to protect your sleep!
9. Diabetes mellitus – an important piece in the successful mosaic of cardiovascular prevention
We invite you to be a part of this important event that provides insight into the latest preventive strategies, innovations and practices in the field of cardiovascular medicine.
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I have the great pleasure to welcome you for the fifth time to the joint congress of the Hypertension, Infarction, Stroke Prevention Association - HISPA, the International Society for Vascular Health and Ageing - ISVH in Belgrade, which is being held in the Sava Center from February 28 until March 1, 2025 in Belgrade. Through their many years of work, the members and friends of the HISPA association witnessed that the basic postulates of multidisciplinary and personalized cardiovascular prevention of the HISPA program became an integral part of the European and World recommendations for prevention.
The concept of cardiovascular screening of the healthy population, which HISPA advocated for the last 12 years, is now an integral part of the national health programs of most countries.
Reduction of cardiovascular risk through a program of active reduction of the most important risk factors was and remains the guiding star of modern cardiovascular prevention.
HISPA grows every year, today it has over 120 centers, over 4000 members and a large number of satisfied patients.
International Society for Vascular Health and Ageing - ISVH is one of the most important associations for the vascular health care and present on 5 continents with a large number of international experts in this field.
This year, the modern scientific program will include all aspects of prevention and their application to individual patients, as well as special social groups, corporations and new technologies. Through sessions, symposia, workshops, special forms of discussion, courses and schools, we will make an active contribution to the creation of the daily need of our society: a comprehensive health preservation strategy.
Health has no alternative just as life has no replay!
We especially thank the sponsors of the congress for their sincere support in the organization and preparation of the congress.
Welcome to Serbia, welcome to Belgrade, welcome to the HISPA family!
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Nebojša Tasić
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
President of HISPA

Informacije | Info
Udruženje centara za hipertenziju, prevenciju infarkta i šloga HISPA
Hypertension, Infarction and Stroke Prevention Association HISPA
Udruženje centara za hipertenziju, prevenciju infarkta i šloga BH – HISPA BH
Hypertension, Infarction and Stroke Prevention Association BH– HISPA BH
Međunarodno Udruženje za Vaskularno Zdravlje – ISVH
International Society for Vascular Health and agieng - ISVH